
Is the Xbox One Worth It?

When it comes to shopping, it is all about saving money and making the most out of a purchase, right? Well, that brings the question to the next generation of video game consoles -- especially the Xbox One -- and whether or not it is truly worth the price tag. Would you shell out the amount of money it costs in order to get the Xbox One or are the issues that surround the console just too much to look past for that amount of money?

As far as we know, if you don't have internet connectivity, this post isn't for you because the Xbox One needs to have internet connectivity in order to ping back to Microsoft every 24 hours. Without internet, no Xbox One, it's as simple as that for those gamers who are in certain areas or conditions where they can't get the internet. With the ever growing questions regarding the Xbox One, would it really be worth it to spend $500 US Dollars on a system that has such issues?

Sure, there are many things to love about the Xbox One and the features that it gives gamers, but sometimes there are things that great experiences can't overcome. While Xbox One will be a choice of many gamers out there, the overall consensus is that the decision to buy the Xbox One will vary based on the consumer, but early reports do not look good for Microsoft in the battle of the next generation console wars with Sony pushing their Playstation 4 to a hot start. 

Image by tarothree on Flickr

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